Crystal Care
General Care Instructions
- Cleanse your crystals upon receiving them
- Store in silk pouches or on wooden surfaces
- Keep away from prolonged direct sunlight
- Handle with clean, dry hands
- Regular energy cleansing recommended
Crystal-Specific Care
Amethyst Cleansing Methods:
- Moonlight bathing
- Sound healing
- Sage smudging
- Cool water rinse (brief)
- Direct sunlight (can fade)
- High heat
- Harsh chemicals
Aquamarine Cleansing Methods:
- Moonlight charging
- Ocean water rinse
- Sound cleansing
- Sage smudging
- Hot water
- Chemical cleaners
- Prolonged sun exposure
Clear Quartz Cleansing Methods:
- Sunlight or moonlight
- Running water
- Sound healing
- Salt burial
- Sage smudging
Special Properties:
- Can be programmed
- Cleanses other crystals
- Very durable
Citrine Cleansing Methods:
- Sunlight charging
- Sound cleansing
- Dry cloth wiping
Special Notes:
- Never needs cleansing
- Cleanses other crystals
- Sun-safe crystal
Rose Quartz Cleansing Methods:
- Moonlight bathing
- Sound healing
- Gentle water rinse
- Sage smudging
- Direct sunlight (can fade)
- Harsh chemicals
- Extended water exposure
Tourmaline Cleansing Methods:
- Brown rice burial
- Sound cleansing
- Sage smudging
- Moonlight charging
Special Properties:
- Self-cleansing abilities
- Protects other crystals
- EMF protective
Malachite IMPORTANT Safety Notes:
- Toxic if wet
- Never use in elixirs
- No water cleansing
Safe Cleansing Methods:
- Sound healing
- Sage smudging
- Moonlight charging
- Dry cloth only
Tiger's Eye Cleansing Methods:
- Sunlight charging
- Brief water rinse
- Sound cleansing
- Sage smudging
- Relatively hardy
- Can handle gentle cleaning
Storage Tips
- Use separate silk pouches
- Create dedicated crystal spaces
- Keep similar energies together
- Store away from electronics
- Use wooden or ceramic containers
Monthly Maintenance
- Full moon charging
- Energy cleansing
- Physical cleaning
- Intention renewal
- Grid refreshing
Warning Signs
- Feeling heavy or dull
- Loss of luster
- Decreased energy
- Physical debris
- Energy interference
Remember: Trust your intuition with crystal care. If a crystal feels like it needs cleansing, it probably does.